.work Fujiyoshida is a co-working space operated by Capcloud Co., Ltd.
It pre-opened on August 1, 2018 with two activity visions.
Activity Vision
(1)Create a space to expand the choice of working styles
We propose how to use IT tools and how to create a new work style culture
(2)Create a space cooperating with Fujiyoshida
Helping create new business opportunities and build communities,
Create value as a place to expand your perspective and increase the number of activities.

“Work Style Reform” by Capcloud
We believe that expanding the options of “working place” and “working time” is a way of Work Style Reform.
This is because if the place of work is limited to one place (company), those who takes care of parents at home or those who raise small children cannot work only because they cannot commute to work. If the work time his limited, only those who can work at that time will be able to work.
It will be difficult to balance out work with personal tasks such as nursing and parenting if which element it missing.
When I want to work as a regular employee, I think that the problem of “Place” and “Work time” is very important when thinking about working as a regular employee.
We believe that more people will be able to work and reform their work style when this problem is solved.
Capcloud wants to eliminate the current situation where people who can play active roles cannot work due to restrictions on “working place” and “working time”, and introduce IT tools and space (Co-working space) within the company organization to “expand the choice of working styles”.

What is Co-working space?
Co-working space is a space where you can concentrate and work.
It is a space where you can communicate with multiple people and gain a new perspective.
By utilizing the space divided into multiple areas, you can work alone or with multiple people. If you register as a member, you can use the space freely on a monthly or yearly basis, and there are many co-working spaces where you can work using the space on an hourly basis without registering as a member .
In addition to using it as a personal workplace, it can be used as a place to deepen communication with other users.
Some co-working spaces hold events every day, so you can discover the value as a place to gain a new perspective.

What is an IT tool that expands work style options?
<Example of IT tools provided by Capcloud>
Focus U time recorder
Hardware free attendance management service
You can see who is currently working and how much work was have done that month.
It can be stamped anytime, anywhere, regardless of location or terminal.
“Focus U time recorder” explanation page
Focus U CRM
Sales outside the company and accounting inside the company can see the same customer data on cloud.
Since information sharing is smooth, there is no need to confirm the progress of the case.
“Focus U CRM” explanation page